

Dr. 阿比盖尔·海尼格| 423.869.6627| 阿比盖尔.heiniger@psozxd.com


Click here to learn about LMU summer literary programs for all ages: 山地遗产文学节差距中的艺术.


一百多年了, the 英语 Department at Lincoln Memorial University has been the foundational program of the University's educational mission. 它的毕业生包括詹姆斯·斯蒂尔, 杰西·斯图尔特, 唐·韦斯特和乔治·斯卡布罗, some of the most celebrated writers of the Appalachian South. 本系教授所有LMU大一学生, 大二和大三, offering courses that develop fundamental writing competencies, 创造性和分析能力, 和 an appreciation for the literature of diverse cultures 和 historical periods. The 英语 major introduces students to the many traditions of imaginative writing in 英语 和-by deepening their insights 和 cultivating their ability to express their ideas orally 和 in writing-prepares them for successful careers as journalists, 小说家, 老师, 律师, 股票经纪人, 还有很多其他职业.


The 英语 Department seeks to graduate students who are well-read, 善于表达, 并且有能力进行实质性的学术研究. The student should be able to think about a work of literature with reference to the circumstances of its composition, 其内在特征, 以及学生自己的经历. Upon graduation a student should be ready for a professional career such as teaching, 或者去研究生院继续深造, 法学院, 或者公司培训项目. The curriculum in 英语 also contributes to the Mission 和 Purpose of Lincoln Memorial University by advancing the cultural life of the Cumberl和 Gap area through a reading series 和 an annual literary festival, providing an appreciable depth of learning in a field of knowledge 和 by cultivating students' abilities to communicate clearly 和 to make informed judgments.

In addition to a firm background in the literary 和 cultural history of Great Britain 和 the United States, 英语专业培养重要的技能, 比如批判性阅读和思考, 分析与解释, 有效的口头和书面沟通. 获得B的学生.A. in 英语 often continue their education in a graduate school or professional school, 或者从事教育事业, 出版, 新闻, 技术写作, 业务, 或者公共关系. 进一步, the department participates with the Criminal Justice 和 American Studies programs in offering a recommended curriculum of Pre-Law studies. This curriculum will help prepare 英语 majors who are interested in entering law school. Students are required to earn a grade of "C-" or better in all courses applied to the major or minor program in 英语.


Each year the widely attended 山地遗产文学节, directed by author 和 Assistant Professor 帕特里克Wensink, celebrates the rich Appalachian literary tradition that still flourishes at LMU.

Faculty in the Department have a wide range of scholarly interests covering the historical range of literature in 英语 from Beowulf to recent fiction, 诗歌, 和戏剧, 和 have published broadly in many national academic 和 literary journals.


LMU 英语 majors develop the kinds of crucial skills that prepare them for successful careers in an almost unlimited number of professions. 为什么英语专业的学生多才多艺? It is because the abilities 和 talents students develop as an 英语 major are more valuable to employers 和 professional schools than any specialized knowledge. Employers can easily train people to perform specific tasks for specific jobs. But what they are really looking for are the kinds of valuable competencies that are developed only through careful reading 和 writing. LMU 英语 majors are forceful problem solvers; they are able to summarize 和 clarify ideas; 和 they are persuasive, 独立的, 创造性思考者.

 根据美国.S. 美国劳工统计局职业前景手册, 技术写作等领域对英语专业学生的需求, library science 和 teaching have a higher than average growth rate, 与护士等工作相当. Online publications 和 services are growing in number 和 sophistication, spurring dem和 for writers 和 authors with Web 和 multimedia experience. For more detailed information on the job outlook for those graduating with a degree in 英语 please see: U.S. 美国劳工统计局职业前景手册.


每年春季学生都参加英语荣誉社团, 西格玛τ δ, lead discussion panels 和 deliver papers at the society's regional 和 national conferences.


英语 - Secondary (6-12) Teacher Licensure - Four-Year Plan (starting Fall 2024)


The Early Entry Program to LMU Duncan School of Law allows undergraduate students at Lincoln Memorial University to apply, 被接受, 和 begin pursuing a JD at LMU Duncan School of Law (DSOL) prior to graduating with a Bachelor's Degree. 有关更多信息,请参见 的指导方针DSOL提前入学计划(2024年秋季开始).


Students who Minor in 英语 Literature take 15 hours of coursework including Literary Research, 批评, 英国文学概览, Survey of American Literature 和 英语 electives of the student's choice at the 300 or 400 level.


Students who Minor in Writing take 15 hours of coursework that can include Creative Writing, 小说写作, 写诗, 创意非小说类, 和职场写作.






