

To inquire about this undergraduate program:
Dr. 凯文·詹宁斯| 423.869.6580 | 凯文.jennings@psozxd.com

LMU's 犯罪学与刑事司法 program provides a comprehensive underst和ing of the criminal justice system. Students examine theories of crime 和 victimization, learn how to critically evaluate criminal justice policies, 探讨正义伦理. Students graduate from the program with the knowledge 和 experience necessary for careers in law enforcement, 法院行政管理, 修正, 缓刑和假释, private industry or advanced study in a graduate program or law school.



Master of Science in Criminal Justice

如欲查询 Master of Science in Criminal Justice:
Dr. 安妮塔·布莱克865.724.0406 | 杰奎琳.black@psozxd.com


At LMU, a Criminal Justice Curriculum Advisory Board of academics, 刑事司法专业人员, 和 community members help to develop courses that not only comply with the ACJS学术标准 but also provide students with diverse experiences that are dynamic 和 relevant outside the classroom. Students interact with their instructors 和 classmates on a personal level with class sizes that rarely exceed 30 students.

在他们大四的时候, students apply all the skills they've learned to a practical, criminal justice-related issue in the form of a senior capstone research project. The research project allows students to exp和 their knowledge 和 offer solutions for any criminal-justice-related issue upon which they wish to have an impact in the future.


犯罪学与刑事司法 - 四年计划

The Early Entry Program to LMU Duncan School of Law allows undergraduate students at Lincoln Memorial University to apply, 被接受, 和 begin pursuing a JD at LMU Duncan School of Law (DSOL) prior to graduating with a Bachelor's Degree. For more information, click here for 的指导方针三年计划.


Majors in the program take the following courses:

  • 刑事司法概论
  • 刑法
  • Issues 和 Ethics in Criminal Justice
  • 刑事诉讼程序
  • 犯罪学概论
  • 刑事司法研究
  • 美国国家政府
  • 心理学概论
  • 社会学概论
  • 统计方法
  • Elective courses selected based upon student goals 和 interests which include:
    • 执法概论
    • 法院简介
    • 校正简介
    • 少年司法
    • 毒品与社会
    • 调查
    • 国土安全
    • 刑事司法研究
    • 警察管理
    • 种族、性别和犯罪
    • 政治暴力和恐怖主义

Students who minor in Criminology & Criminal Justice take the following courses:

  • 刑事司法概论
  • 刑法
  • 犯罪学概论
  • Three electives in Criminal Justice


Students who pursue the field of criminal justice at LMU are encouraged to complete a field internship in a local, 状态, or federal criminal justice agency of their choosing. An internship offers students the opportunity to gain real-world experience, 运用课堂知识, 和 foster professional contacts that will serve them when they enter the field as graduates.

LMU criminology 和 criminal justice students have completed internships with:

  • Attorney General's Office, 8th Judicial District
  • 贝尔县巡回法院
  • Claiborne County Sheriff's Department
  • 联邦调查局
  • 联邦监狱局
  • 田纳西州调查局
  • Tennessee Department of Corrections, Division of Probation 和 Parole


研究生s of LMU's program are prepared for entry-level careers in:

  • 执法
  • 刑事调查
  • 预防犯罪
  • 青少年的干预
  • 受害者援助计划
  • 法院行政管理
  • 监狱,监狱,刑罚学
  • 社区 修正, 缓刑和假释
  • 私人及公司保安
  • 毒品管制 & 封锁
  • 联邦机构包括
  • 法学院
  • 研究生 education in criminal justice or criminology


根据美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook H和book job opportunities for those in 修正, 警察, 和 probation should be plentiful for those who qualify. The ability to speak Spanish is also desirable in this occupation 和 may present better job prospects. For more details on the job outlook for those entering the field of Criminal Justice please see: U.S. Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook H和book; 犯罪学与刑事司法.

俱乐部 & 组织

The Alpha Beta Epsilon Chapter of the American Criminal Justice Association is open to all students interested in criminal justice or legal issues. The organization brings guest speakers to campus, coordinates field trips 和 social gatherings throughout the year 和 leads important community service 和 campus awareness projects.

LMU students who excel academically 和 have an interest in criminal justice or law may be selected for Alpha Phi Sigma, the National Criminal Justice Honor Society. Alpha Phi Sigma membership can be an important boost to graduates as they enter the career field. Members represent the best of LMU's criminal justice program 和 are recognized with a blue 和 gold honor cord at graduation.


Dr. 凯文·詹宁斯

Dr. 玛丽安画眉